Monday, February 14, 2011

God's Hesed.

We are not stronger than God's Covenant Fidelity, His Steadfast Love, His Divine Mercy. How do we resist sin? Cling to the Divine Mercy of God. The past six or so months, I have been meditating on a certain passage of St. Faustina's diary...

"Unending is my interior astonishment that the Most High Lord is pleased in me and tells me so Himself. And I immerse myself even deeper in my nothingness, because I know what I am of myself. Still I must say that I, in return, love my Creator to folly with every beat of my heart and with every nerve; my soul unconsciously drowns in Him."

After receiving the Eucharist the other day, the last phrase is what completely raptured my heart. A new understanding of what it means to drown in the Lord absorbed my soul. 

"So many times in life I am half-submerged in Your ocean of love, half giving myself to Your will but also flailing about, trying to accomplish my own will. I frantically shout, desperate for my plan to be heard. But what does it mean to drown? I let go of me, all of my desires, and succumb to Your waves of glory. As I resist these waves no longer, I begin to sink even deeper into You. When I am completely submerged in Your ocean of love I let go of the rest of my breath, my selfishness and pride, and allow my lungs to be filled with nothing but Your sweetness. My body is now limp, but I am protected. I am fully submitted to Your will, being moved only where you want me to go, doing only those things which will bring glory to Your most merciful heart. This is what it means to drown in You. I must trust enough to lose all control, and be lead by the King of glory, constantly docile to His promptings and wishes, constantly resting with the solitary word of "fiat" on my lips. May it be done unto me according to thy words..."


St. Faustina, Pray for us. 

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