Sunday, June 6, 2010


For the past few months the words “religion” and “orthodox” have been on my mind. I have encountered many people in the past year who, at the mention of the word “religion”, practically turn gray in the face out of disgust. The word religious is now equated with something very counter-Christian. In the introduction to a book by G.K. Chesterton called “Orthodoxy”, Chuch Colson says this...

“Along the way, “orthodoxy” became an epithet, a term of disparagement. Referring to something as orthodox has become synonymous with calling it “discredited,” “antiquated,” “unimaginative” and of course, “repressive.” This is true regardless of the subject: calling something the “orthodox” view on the matter is a tacit invitation to the reader or listener to disregard that view.”

And HOW TRUE that is. Many of my non-Catholic friends often question me about the Catholic Church and about my beliefs, with little or no intention of listening to anything I have to say, because, Catholic = wrong. In all circumstances, no matter what.

Well, I am a practicing Catholic and am here to say that the Church is not antiquated, unimaginative, or repressive. Shocking, right? How could I love a Church where I worship Mary and the Saints, have never read the Bible, and attend a boring Mass every Sunday. The simple answer to that is that I DON’T. If a person listened to what the Catholic Church believes, from an authentic Catholic perspective and not from the media or an anti-Catholic group, you would receive the truth. I was very struck this morning by the 1st reading from 2 Timothy 4:2-4,

“Preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not tolerate sound doctrine, but following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths.”

That time isn’t coming, that time is now. No one wants to hear about how any form of contraception is wrong, how abortion is wrong, how women priests are wrong, how gay marriage is wrong, or any of the other issues of the day. To acknowledge these things as wrong means a change in lifestyle, and God forbid we would have to change our ways even if it is to help us get to Heaven. People start disagreeing with these and many more things because it doesn’t sit right with them, so they start a new Church. Luther didn’t believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist so, logically, his human mind must not have been mistaken. New church, division. Anglicans separate. New church, further division. Calvinism, Baptist, Adventist, Methodist, Church of Christ, Pentecostal, etc. New churches, further division. There are now around 30,000 different division of Protestant churches. How is that leading to unity of the Body of Christ that I hear is so often prayed for? Fr. Don Calloway, in a discussion on his conversion said this regarding all of the varying denominations and people seeking them,

“ baffled me that a lot of them were just church hopping, they went wherever the preaching seemed good until it ruffled them and challenged them, then they didn't like whatever that pastor said so they went and found a new church to comfort them and I thought to myself if that’s it then I should just become my own pastor start my own church and do my own thing but I said I want the real message not one that is just adapting to my likes and needs. I need the real one even though it sting me, your never going to catch a fish with a dull hook, it has to have a point and a barb to it, it has to get in, that's the mystery and beauty of Catholicism is it comes with a sting, but it’s going to set you free.”

When you come with an open heart, with faith seeking understanding, the Church will answer all the questions that you have been asking.

People now are no longer going to Church, they are going to stadiums, to concert halls, to secular buildings for their “services”. There are slogans and statements being made at these places that they are distinctly going for a non-churchlike atmosphere. There are bands playing, couches, fancy coffee being served; anything to make you feel like you aren’t really at church. Who want’s to be there, right? These “churches” are taking away everything sacred that Christ wanted for us to have. Why do we dress up for Mass, why genuflect, why kneel, why bow your head, why pray in silence... it is out of reverence for our Savior. God doesn’t create lasting and interior change through the noise of the world, He does it through the quiet and gentle promptings of the Spirit. Why would I want to go to a church that wants me to feel like I’m not at Church? I have had enough of the world, I want Jesus, I want the Mass. I have experienced how unfulfilling the world is, ultimately, and I don’t want it. We have lost the truth that right now on earth we are in exile, this is just part of our journey to Heaven. This place is TRANSITORY. We were never meant to stay here. People say the Mass is boring but,

“Mass isn’t flashy... I don't know if you caught that. Mass is a marinade. That's what this worship, this Catholic worship is, its a marinade. Its all about God, we just soak in Him. The whole time I’m being shaped and transformed.”

This is a quote from a priest from my hometown, Fr. Mike Schmitz. God molds us interiorly and quietly. It isn’t extravagant or flashy; His grace is poured out upon His people as we thank Him for the sacrifice He made. In the Mass we are joining with the Angels and Saints in Heaven in their worship of Him, bringing Heaven to earth out of the sheer gratuity of Jesus Christ and his love for us. We are taking part in the New Covenant which he calls us to participate in, receiving His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. This is what Christian worship is supposed to be focused on, the new temple that is His body. Not a symbol of His body, but His body truly present.

Just because one person does not agree with the teachings of the Church does not mean there is something wrong with the Church it means that there is something wrong in the heart of the person. I am not excluding myself from this it has taken a lot of prayer and time spent studying the Catholic Church to be able to delve into the mystery and beauty the Church has offered to her people for almost 2000 years. Yes, there have been some unholy clergy and members of the Church but that does not mean there is something wrong with the office of the Priesthood or the Church, it is some sinful individuals who have messed up. Thanks be to God that He has in the past and will continue to preserve his Church from division. I thank God for the tradition that we hold dear, for the lives of the Saints that inspire me daily to pick up the Cross of Christ and continue to serve Him. This doesn’t mean I solely look to the lives of the Saints for encouragement, and I feel that is something that people get confused about. When we look to holy people for encouragement, they lead us closer and closer to Christ. Mary the Mother of God being the ultimate example of this. In the past year I have grown extremely close to her and the only thing she has done and continues to do is lead me to the beautiful heart of her Son, Jesus Christ. Why would I not want to honor someone who was SO important in the life of Christ?? She is His mother. He derived his flesh from her flesh, His blood from her blood. She raised him and was with him during his public ministry, she remained at the foot of the cross with him. She is the perfect example of obedience to our Lord.

I read in the diary of St. Faustina the other day this quote, “And in spirit I saw how many souls are calling out to us, “Give us God.” And the blood of the Apostles boiled up within me. I will not be stingy with it; I will shed it all to the last drop for immortal souls.” This really hit me and is a good description of how I feel amidst the attacks on the Catholic Church. The blood of the Apostles boiled up within me, and I will defend this Church until I die. The world is crying out for God, for Jesus, and we are giving them more of the world. Don’t try and sugar coat Christianity with coffee, lights, and bands. We are living in an age of extreme evil and we are being called to proclaim the fullness of the truth and salvation that Christ has already won for us if we would only follow him. Jesus said this to St. Faustina, and I truly believe it.

“Do not fear, My little child, you are not alone. Fight bravely, because My arm is supporting you; fight for the salvation of souls, exhorting them to trust in My mercy, as that is your task in this life and in the life to come.”

Jesus is with us every step of the way. Stand firm in your faith. Proclaim the truth. Fight for your brothers and sisters in Christ. Entrust your intentions and actions to the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, do all things for God and Souls.

God bless you.

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